Adrian Bethune
My rich collaboration with Adrian resulted in our Little Guide to Teacher Wellbeing and Self-Care in 2020. Since its publication, we have worked with hundreds of staff in schools to offer them practical strategies for looking after themselves and one another. If you’d like us to come and work with your school or organisation, do get in touch. Adrian also specialises in pupil wellbeing and you can see more about his work and contact him here.
Who Is Adrian?
Adrian Bethune is a part-time teacher a primary school in Aylesbury, Associate lecturer at Oxford Brookes University, Deputy Chair of the Well Schools strategic board and the founder of Teachappy. In 2012, he was awarded a ‘Happy Hero’ medal by Lord Richard Layard at the House of Lords for his work on developing wellbeing in schools. In 2015, he was invited to speak at the Action For Happiness event, Creating A Happier World, on stage with the Dalai Lama. Adrian is author of the award-winning Wellbeing In The Primary Classroom – A Practical Guide To Teaching Happiness (Bloomsbury, 2018), co-author with Dr Emma Kell of A Little Guide to Teacher Wellbeing and Self-care (Sage, 2020) and lead author for the Oxford International Curriculum for Wellbeing (Oxford University Press, 2021).

Paul Keenleyside
I am delighted to have joined forces with Paul, former Headteacher and coach, to offer bespoke wellbeing and leadership support to schools. You can find out more about our services (including a FREE wellbeing audit for schools) here.
Who Is Paul?
Paul worked as a teacher and leader in the special education and AP sector for over 25 years. He is a leadership and performance coach with a focus on the importance of the Body-Mind in life and leadership – how we can all act and lead with wisdom, compassion and strength. He holds the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) Senior Practitioner Award and has European Individual Accreditation (EIA) and has completed over 500 hours of executive and team coaching.
Sarah Hussey
I’m delighted to be collaborating with Sarah, a former headteacher herself, to offer coaching support to school leaders during challenging times. Click here for more details. Sarah is also a qualified coach, specialising in leadership and neurodiversity, so contact her to find out more about how to work with her directly here.
Who Is Sarah?
Sarah has worked in education on the Isle of Wight for 25 years and has been a Head Teacher for 13 of these. She has a OU degree, a PGCE, a NPQH and a Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology; she is currently completing a Performance Coaching qualification with NLP. Sarah believes that education is centered around key values such as relationships and belonging. She wants all school staff to thrive and find their voices, through a focus on wellbeing. She is also the mother of 2 adult neurodiverse girls.

Emma combines a depth of educational expertise, a clear enthusiasm for teaching and teacher development, a gentle but direct approach, and oodles of humour and empathy. Working with her has helped me to think through professional challenges and get 'unstuck'!
Head of Department

Emma has been an incredibly supportive guide and coach throughout my ECT year. She has provided both practical and emotional support which has been invaluable to my development as a teacher.
New teacher

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for coaching me over the past few months. I began in quite a confused place and ended with real clarity of thought and practical ideas for my next steps. Your gentle and supportive coaching style really suited me and although the process was challenging, it was very rewarding. Your skilful questioning helped me to tap into my core values and reignite my sense of purpose. Since I made my decision, I've even felt a release in the tension I'd been carrying around in my neck so there have been both physical and emotional improvements!
School leader

Having coaching with Emma has changed my life! She has helped me to gain a much better work/life balance, supported me to think through difficult situations/conversations, helped me to identify my positive leadership skills and how to develop them and to identify how I would like to develop myself further. Emma does all of this in a friendly, approachable and skilful way, so that the process is fun and creative. If you are contemplating having coaching with Emma, I would urge you to do it now, you won't regret it!

Emma has an uncanny way of putting you at your ease so that you feel confident to talk and work with her. I knew after our first conversation that Emma was going to change the way I think about me and how I can reach my potential.

Emma has such a positive presence and makes the coachee feel listened to and allows them to recognise their own resourcefulness.

I loved my coaching sessions – I had no expectations before I started, but whatever they could have been, they were totally blown out of the water! Emma is amazing at putting people at ease and connecting with them instantly. It was like having a light switched on. People have commented on my different approach to life since I started, in a completely positive way.