Embracing Pragmatism in Teaching, Coaching, Wellbeing… and Life
When I became a doctoral researcher 14 years ago, one of the first steps to examine my ontological and epistemological assumptions. Sorry,…
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Embracing New Perspectives for Personal and Professional Growth
We all have beliefs about ourselves that shape our thoughts, actions, and ultimately, our careers and lives. Some of these beliefs serve us…
The Values Compass: A Guide to Personal and Professional Alignment
In our journey through our careers and lives, we often find ourselves at crossroads, facing decisions that shape our personal and…
Removing OFSTED Single-Word Judgements. What Is the Big Deal?
A guest blog by Sarah Hussey. For a brief time, this morning (2nd September), the news headlines about the immediate changes to OFSTED…
Beyond Boundaries: Embracing Co-Parenting with Dad’s Co-Pilot
A guest blog by Harry Lock. As a dad, I've learned firsthand the profound impact our relationships have on our children. It's not just…
Grit and Growth: The Joys of Girls’ Football
I'm proud of my first non-teaching-related piece in a long time, so re-blogging it here. Originally posted here:…
Self-limiting Beliefs
A guest blog by Sarah Hussey. Performance coaches, ADHD coaches, executive coaches, in fact all coaches, spend a lot of time exploring the…
The Art of Letting Go
A guest blog by Aini Butt. The biggest mistake we make is when we put terms and conditions on the act of letting go; that in itself is a…
ADHD – A Woman’s Story
A guest blog by Sarah Hussey. The day that Holly got her ADHD diagnosis was bittersweet to say the least. She was 28 years old and we were…
Headship – A Few Tips to Help You Rise and Thrive
A guest blog written by Julie Cassiano. Follow Julie on X (Twitter) @julie_cass1. Firstly, a huge congratulations on securing your first…
Real Lives of Teachers and School Staff: Navigating the Highs and Lows of Schools Today. A New Book!
What’s it really like to work in schools today? How do the ‘critical incidents’ in our lives and our work influence our sense of identity…
We Can Never Be Employers of Choice Until We Promote Being a Sector of Choice
A guest blog by Helen Stevenson. Helen (a former teacher and MAT Executive Leader) is the Founding Director of Satis Education which deals…
Clarity, Connection and Coaching
Dr Emma Kell in conversation with Sarah Hussey. Reflections on her recent health scares, tips for current school leaders and the power of…
Possibilities and Perspective
A guest blog by Sarah Hussey. Possibilities and Perspectives or What You Get When You Begin to Heal. My little blog, How Headship Broke My…
What It’s Also Like to Be a Teacher
This blog is reproduced here with permission. Written by Ian McDaid on his blog on 15th May 2023. Preface from Emma I’m constantly struck…
A day in the life of a teacher
I teach part-time in an Alternative Provision setting - all of these things have happened, just not all in the same day. I have blurred…
Muddy Waters
A guest blog by Aini Butt. ‘Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the…
How Headship Broke My Heart
A guest blog by Sarah Hussey. Preface by Emma Kell Presenting to large groups of people is (and arguably, should always be)…
A guest blog by Aini Butt. You seek validation from the mirror, a forced smile to please its reflection. Your tears blurring your vision, a…
My Response to the Plan
A guest blog by Abigail Gray. The day before the new SEND Improvement plan was published, I was at the Outstanding Schools Conference at…
A Day in the Life of a Happy Vice Principal
A guest blog by Madeleine Fresko-Brown. There’s a lot of negativity in discourse around education at the moment. Times are tough, and it…
Holding Your Breath Until Wednesday Lunchtime
A guest blog by a headteacher who wishes to remain anonymous. As a school leader I read lots of tweets and talk to lots of colleagues about…
The View Down the Mountain
Here in England, October half term has finally arrived. If you're feeling shellshocked, numb, grumpy, irritable and/or as if you've been…
The Reality of Life as a Woman with ADHD
A guest blog by Krystina Cheshire. I have such a fear of letting people down. Sometimes I feel like I'm seen as a problem by other people…
Having It All
A guest blog by Kerry Rice. Mums can't have it all, yet we continue to try.... to work like we don't have children and parent like we don't…
A Tale of Two Ofsteds
An anonymous guest blog. In the last 12 months I have had the pleasure (not always) of working in two comparable schools within the same…
The Joy of Headship
A guest blog by Sarah Hussey. Teaching is tough, headship is hard – those of us who work in education know these things to be true! As a…
Golden Seams
A guest blog by Aini Butt. We live in a world where achievement is applauded not the progress itself; beauty standards are set by the…
Don’t Call Me ‘Disadvantaged’
A letter from the little girl who grew up. A speech by Olivia Taylor.
Matter over Mind: Trusting Your Body
A guest blog by an anonymous Early Career Teacher. Most of my education and my upbringing focused on the mind. School, sixth-form,…
Finding My Work-Life Balance as a New Teacher
A guest blog by an anonymous Early Career Teacher (ECT) I’m coming to the end of my first year of teaching – it’s had its ups and downs,…
Missing My Stop
A guest blog by Abigail Gray. In my second year of Deputy Headship, on the first day of the Easter Holidays, I found a lump in my…
Leadership Unmasked
A guest blog by Aurora Reid. It’s time I wrote about my own mental health…. Actually, I started this blog in December so it’s really time I…
Learning to Unlearn
This blog is reproduced here with permission. Written by Aini Butt on her blog Aini's Reflections on 9th June 2022. “Why do you do this to…
On feelings of failure – and redefining success
This photo was taken fourteen-and-a-half years ago. It's of our eldest daughter. The transition to parenthood had been as tough as it was…
Teaching with my eyes shut
A guest blog by Sarah Ruse – Eyes Shut Teacher @eyesshutteacher. I’ve been teaching in Scotland for over 12 years now having changed career…
Fatherhood and the Struggles of Teaching
This blog is reproduced here with permission. Written by Michael Nott @MrNott117 on his blog stealingbiscuitsiswrong? on 26th April 2022.…
The Greed Behind Starvation
A guest blog by Mae, aged 16. The female body; a beautiful, life-creating hub of a soul, made to seem disgusting by male-run corporations…
A stupid walk for my stupid mental health
A guest blog written by Emily Ashton @Emilyjashton. It’s a lovely misty morning, warm enough for a light jacket and I am going for a short…
What’s life for children in Ukraine in May 2022?
Insights from Inna, an English teacher in Ukraine. Please get in touch if you have messages, pictures or thoughts to share with Inna’s…
‘Leave your lives at the door’. WHAT TOSH. A rant.
I have been lucky enough to connect with a vast number of UK teachers in the last few years. Of these, a significant minority have been…
Serendipity, audacity… and bloody hard work. Becoming a published author.
Every time I think I’ve responded to all the messages about the book launch, I blink and there are 15 more. I’m realising that, like the…
Vertigo, Valiance and Vin: a leap into the unknown
It’s a while since I’ve blogged about myself. I’m so used to having a goal, an audience and an aim, but the wonderful Georgia Holleran…
Teaching: the job which creates all other jobs and arguably the best job in the world.
I’m a teacher and school leader of almost two and a half decades, and am proud to currently teach English part-time at Aspire Alternative Provision in Buckinghamshire, working to build positive futures for some of the most vulnerable young people and their families.
Through the years, I’ve held middle leadership roles in English and MFL and have led in SLT on Teaching and Learning and staff development. I currently lead on staff development and train new teachers. The development of others is where I have always found my passion.
Ultimately, I have arrived at the simple belief that if children and adults feel safe, appreciated, respected and happy, they will thrive. It is our duty to do everything within our professional power to make this happen.
Examples of My Work
Pieces that Quote Me
Emma has been without doubt one of the pivotal influences of my professional and academic life. Without her help, mentorship and guidance I wouldn’t be where I am today.
Former student
As a teacher, Emma always created a welcoming environment. Her impact on me as a student gave me motivation to try hard. You looked forward to her lessons.
Former student
You made us feel safe.
Former student
It has been an amazing privilege to have had access to all of Emma Kell’s experience and advice in my NQT year. Emma was able to provide professional, nuanced and supportive tips to improve my practical teaching as well as enhancing my understanding of the challenges and opportunities of working within the education sector. Emma offered clear guidance tailored to my professional background that has allowed me to maintain and develop my own authentic teaching style.
NQT and Wing Commander
Emma is always calm, approachable, supportive and good humoured. Working with her had a really positive impact on my leadership enabling me to work through challenges and problems more effectively.
Head of Science
Emma is the kindest, most encouraging and most empathetic tutor I could have hoped to have throughout my teacher training. The warm, reassuring and caring nurture I have received from Emma has helped me and my early career go from strength to strength: she is an incredible beacon of support.
Trainee teacher of English
'Emma cares'
I’m passionate about the link between wellbeing, integrity and success. I’m insatiably curious about people, their unique contributions and their exciting potential.
I believe that the key to feeling fulfilled and successful as humans and professionals is to follow our moral compass, know our worth, be aware of what we model to those around us, and ultimately to take a deep breath and be brave, knowing we are valued and loved.
I take a pragmatic and optimistic approach to each of my roles, and I am constantly working to develop my expertise.
I tweet with persistent positivity and realism about wellbeing, education, parenting and cats. Follow me on Twitter – @thosethatcan.
Through the portfolio career I have forged, these are some of the ways in which I channel my energy and expertise:
I teach part-time. I work with some of the most vulnerable young people in our area at Aspire Alternative Provision.
I coach people in education and beyond; I’m proud to have qualified as a Performance Coach.
I’m a writer, speaker and facilitator. I share research-based, practical strategies on wellbeing, self-care and balancing work and parenting in education settings and beyond.
I’m a school governor at a local secondary school; the role of the critical friend is crucial to supporting the school community.
I’m the co-host of the Clem and Em podcast, in which we interview influential figures on what school taught them, and what lessons they have.
I train and support new teachers and existing and aspiring school leaders.
I believe in the power of giving voice to others and am proud to have organised a number of conferences and TeachMeets to bring together education professionals to grow and learn together.
Having completed a doctorate on the subject of balancing parenting and teaching in 2016, I bring my research skills to all elements of my work.
How to Survive in Teaching
Without imploding, exploding or walking away
Drawing on years of research and first-hand experience, How to Survive in Teaching offers support, advice and practical suggestions to help you and your colleagues stay flourishing, positive and most importantly, stay teaching!
Teacher Wellbeing & Self-Care
The Little Guide for Teachers series is little in size but BIG on all the support and inspiration you need to navigate your day to day life as a teacher.
- Authored by experts in the field
- Easy to dip in-and-out of
- Interactive activities encourage you to write into the book and make it your own
- Fun engaging illustrations throughout
- Read in an afternoon or take as long as you like with it!
Dr Emma Kell, EdD, is an experienced teacher, senior leader, researcher and public speaker. Her extensive knowledge of England's education system is manifest in her work, which forms the basis for her well crafted, well articulated and edgy speeches. As with her research, Dr Kell's practice as a teacher/school leader, as well as her work in public speaking, firmly combines key conceptual elements of social justice - such as respect and equity. Dr Kell is an inspiration, and an inspirational speaker, and to work with her is the fruit of common sense.
Professor Paul Miller, Prof of Educational Leadership & Social Justice
Emma is an energising and inspiring member of the educational community. Not only does she bring boundless experience, knowledge and expertise to everything that she does, but is incredibly kind and supportive to everyone she works with. Emma not only manages to be an incredible practitioner, but looks at everything through the most human of lenses, always keeping wellbeing and care central to her practice. She is a joy and pleasure to learn from and work with.
James Hodge, Senior Teaching Fellow, UCL
Emma Kell cares. Emma cares that the profession she loves is at crisis point. Emma cares about the desperate situations teachers find themselves in. Emma cares about connecting and supporting organisations that work to relieve the pressures on teachers. And Emma cares about communicating her findings in order to add perspective and clarity to the muddy waters of the UK education system. In short; while Emma is around there are still rays of hope for 21st Century teachers.
Georgia Holleran, founder of TeachWellFest and author
It is rare in life to meet someone who is as generous as they are wise, and as uplifting as they are realistic. Emma is one of those people who never leaves you short changed either in terms of rigorous academic content to ignite deep thinking but also in her delivery of bucketloads of humanity and empathy. Emma is a delight to hear and a privilege to work alongside.
Emma Turner, CPD Lead, Discovery Schools Trust
Dr Emma Kell is both a professional whose purpose is to empower and enrich the lives of those she works for and with; and a person whose humour, compassion and kindness embodies the values of ethical research, which point towards the future with a tangible pragmatic optimism.
Matthew Roberts, writer, teacher, researcher, Trust Lead For Oracy and Worship (The Green School Trust)
Emma is supremely dedicated and capable, her awareness is razor sharp and everything that she does exudes integrity and compassion. Her work ethic is second to none. Emma is open-minded and humble. She is brave enough to live outside of her comfort zone and her energy and tenacity are a genuine joy to be around.
Jo Slifi, Educational Psychologist and former school leader
I can hand-on-heart say that Emma is very well in touch with the working lives of teachers. When combined with her unmatched interpersonal skills, her knowledge of the education system makes her a mentor that a new teacher could only dream of.
Omar Akbar, teacher and author
Home Page
Welcome. My name is Dr Emma Kell. As founder and director of Those That Can Ltd, I believe in helping people be the happiest, most effective and most authentic versions of themselves. Through my work as a teacher, coach and wellbeing expert, I nurture self-belief and self-awareness and remind you that not only are you not alone, but you have more control than you might imagine.
You deserve, not just to survive, but to thrive.
Teacher Wellbeing
Emma talks about her passion for teacher wellbeing and its importance.
Topic Expert – Emma Kell
Emma talks about modelling a culture of wellbeing at the IB Global Conference.
TEDx Kingston upon Thames
Taking control and reducing the risk of burnout
I like to write to clarify and share my thoughts. I also enjoy sharing my platform with guest bloggers to give them a voice.
I’m passionate about the link between wellbeing, integrity and success. I’m insatiably curious about people, their unique contributions and their exciting potential.
I love working with like-minded people on projects that I am passionate about.
How to Survive in Teaching
Without imploding, exploding or walking away
Drawing on years of research and first-hand experience, How to Survive in Teaching offers support, advice and practical suggestions to help you and your colleagues stay flourishing, positive and most importantly, stay teaching!
Teacher Wellbeing & Self-Care
The Little Guide for Teachers series is little in size but BIG on all the support and inspiration you need to navigate your day to day life as a teacher.
- Authored by experts in the field
- Easy to dip in-and-out of
- Interactive activities encourage you to write into the book and make it your own
- Fun engaging illustrations throughout
- Read in an afternoon or take as long as you like with it!
Dr Emma Kell, EdD, is an experienced teacher, senior leader, researcher and public speaker. Her extensive knowledge of England's education system is manifest in her work, which forms the basis for her well crafted, well articulated and edgy speeches. As with her research, Dr Kell's practice as a teacher/school leader, as well as her work in public speaking, firmly combines key conceptual elements of social justice - such as respect and equity. Dr Kell is an inspiration, and an inspirational speaker, and to work with her is the fruit of common sense.
Professor Paul Miller, Prof of Educational Leadership & Social Justice
Emma is an energising and inspiring member of the educational community. Not only does she bring boundless experience, knowledge and expertise to everything that she does, but is incredibly kind and supportive to everyone she works with. Emma not only manages to be an incredible practitioner, but looks at everything through the most human of lenses, always keeping wellbeing and care central to her practice. She is a joy and pleasure to learn from and work with.
James Hodge, Senior Teaching Fellow, UCL
Emma Kell cares. Emma cares that the profession she loves is at crisis point. Emma cares about the desperate situations teachers find themselves in. Emma cares about connecting and supporting organisations that work to relieve the pressures on teachers. And Emma cares about communicating her findings in order to add perspective and clarity to the muddy waters of the UK education system. In short; while Emma is around there are still rays of hope for 21st Century teachers.
Georgia Holleran, founder of TeachWellFest and author
It is rare in life to meet someone who is as generous as they are wise, and as uplifting as they are realistic. Emma is one of those people who never leaves you short changed either in terms of rigorous academic content to ignite deep thinking but also in her delivery of bucketloads of humanity and empathy. Emma is a delight to hear and a privilege to work alongside.
Emma Turner, CPD Lead, Discovery Schools Trust
Dr Emma Kell is both a professional whose purpose is to empower and enrich the lives of those she works for and with; and a person whose humour, compassion and kindness embodies the values of ethical research, which point towards the future with a tangible pragmatic optimism.
Matthew Roberts, writer, teacher, researcher, Trust Lead For Oracy and Worship (The Green School Trust)
Emma is supremely dedicated and capable, her awareness is razor sharp and everything that she does exudes integrity and compassion. Her work ethic is second to none. Emma is open-minded and humble. She is brave enough to live outside of her comfort zone and her energy and tenacity are a genuine joy to be around.
Jo Slifi, Educational Psychologist and former school leader
I can hand-on-heart say that Emma is very well in touch with the working lives of teachers. When combined with her unmatched interpersonal skills, her knowledge of the education system makes her a mentor that a new teacher could only dream of.
Omar Akbar, teacher and author